Communication 01/04/2019

Company Optics11  is the winner of " Expression of interest Optical Fiber Hydrophones Project OPTIMA"
Will follow fulfilment of duties
Communication 19/02/2019
Company Optics11 will be invited to submit a technical and economic offer related to this “Expression of Interest”
Expression of interest


POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014/2020 – Project: OPtical Technology In Marine and medical Applications (OPTIMA) - CUP B63D18000330007 - SURF 17066BP000000001.

Expression of interest for the procedure concerning the development and supply of:

  • Optical Fiber Hydrophones, and the related interrogation unit, based on the combination of fiber Bragg gratings and optical fiber interferometry

The requested technological support is framed in the context of the research project OPTIMA, that is the “Realization Objectives” OR5 - Acoustic monitoring system at low frequencies and OR4 - System of passive opto-acoustic sensors.

CeRICT scrl intends to make a market survey respecting the following principles:

-         Non-discrimination

-         Equal treatment

-         Advertising

-         Proportionality

-         Transparency

for the commissioning of the above acquisition through the procedure described in the following paragraphs.

Therefore, the investigation is aimed to acquire the expression of interest as provided by eligible subjects and then define a rank order of those subjects.

The procedure will be open to eligible subjects who responded to “Expression of interest” and after received “Invitation letter” to submit an offer.

For more details see attachment.

DATE 22/01/2019

FileDescriptionFile size
Download this file (Expression of interest OPTIMA.pdf)Expression of interest OPTIMA.pdf 374 kB
Download this file (Verbale.pdf)Evaluation report 257 kB