CERICT company is an organization for accessing competencies and relationship within ICT national and international system.
The aim of the CERICT is to meet the medium and long-term research results with the requirements of ICT companies, ICT big enterprises, small software houses, authority and public administrations. CeRICT was established in 2005 as an outcome of the Regional Competence Centre ICT (CRdC ICT) Project.
The Mission
- The mission of the CERICT is to guide the results of the fundamental research (developed within the academic environment) towards applicative projects realized together with companies, in order to respond to the necessities of the ITC sector.
- The technological transfer of the results and the creation of new industrial companies (via spin-offs or specific company build-up) complete the background where the organization carries out its mission.
Strategic goals
- activities of research and development, based on industrial needs, and technological transfer of the results with realization of high quality training;
- contribution to the structural concentration of strategic research, through the cooperation of research institutes and public and private partnerships;
- promoting direct commitment of enterprises to the process of realization and planning of the innovation; promoting knowledge-based enterprises;
- defining necessary conditions for regional and external enterprises to successfully invest in emerging hi-tech sectors;
- integrating activities of pre-competitive research in order to build a repository for systematically develop the research potential;
- promoting spin-off research activities from entrepreneurial initiatives;
- supporting technological consultancy requests raised within the productive system;